To book your next French Class Call: 07920 514957


Join other students to an enjoyable and relaxed way of learning French

Marie-Chantal Lugg – French tuition – Dorchester, Dorset

My grandchildren have a French father and are bilingual, so I needed to learn French. In the light of past experience I thought that I would be unsuccessful and hate the lessons. That is until I joined Marie-Chantal’s French group. It was fun, very rewarding and I found myself looking forward to the lessons. The lessons included conversation and grammar taught in a structured multi-sensory way (multi-sensory means you say it, hear it, write it and see it). Marie-Chantal’s planning ensures you build your knowledge gradually at your own pace whilst gaining confidence in conversation. The lessons are conducted with great skill and consideration for individual needs. Speaking as someone who started a year ago.

Having Marie-Chantal on board when selling my French house gave me a huge advantage, to which I am truly grateful. Her calm clear headed approach in dealing with agents in her own language, together with her knowledge of the legal requirements involved, were beyond my expertise. This undoubtedly proved invaluable in securing me a sale on my property in 2013.
Many, many thanks, Marie-Chantal.

Since my schooldays I have tried to improve my French. Various evening classes and even a total immersion course in France failed to give me the confidence to try. Then I heard from a friend about Marie-Chantal. For two years now I have looked forward to each class. Learning both to speak and write French in a small group allows us all to work at the right pace and there is no criticism if we get it wrong – just shared laughter, never-ending patience and help! Now retired, I have my own place in France and speak (mostly) with confidence in every day situations. I want to learn so much more and be able to converse really well – at the speed of the French! I know that Marie-Chantal will help me achieve my goal and I highly recommend her to anyone who, like me, thought they would never be understood by the French!

I really look forward to the Pause Cafe every month. Marie-Chantal always introduces interesting topics for discussion and we cover a wide range of subjects while enjoying coffee and croissants. It’s a really relaxing way to improve one’s French – it’s like going to France for the morning!